The Center for Integrated Cognition (CIC: is pleased to announce the release of Soar 9.6.1, available on GitHub: 

This is a maintenance release of Soar with bug fixes but without any major new features. There are improvements that should make it easier to build and integrate Soar with other systems. The release also includes a new version of VisualSoar that has many bug fixes and a completely new manual. Full release notes are available on GitHub. 

These new versions are fully backward compatible with 9.6.0 and we recommend users of Soar transition to them.

Many thanks to Nathan Glenn (Soar) and Andy Nuxoll (VisualSoar) for their efforts in making this happen! Thanks to Steven Jones and Bob Marinier for testing and supporting this process. Special thanks to Mazin Assanie for all his work on Soar over the years that made this release possible.

This release represents the beginning of CIC’s commitment to the ongoing support and evolution of Soar. Over the coming months, we will transition the Soar website from U. Michigan to the CIC.